Bahia Independence Day celebration
July 2007
In 1808, the Portuguese court, fleeing from Napoleon troops which had invaded Portugal, established themselves in the city of Rio de Janeiro. After Joao VI returned to Portugal in 1821, his heir-apparent Pedro became regent of the Kingdom of Brazil. Following a series of political incidents and disputes, Brazil achieved its independence from Portugal on September 7, 1822. On October 12, 1822, Dom Pedro became the first Emperor of Brazil, being crowned on December 1, 1822. Bahia was the last area of Brazil to join the independent confederation; Some members in the elite remained loyal to the Portuguese crown after the rest of the country was granted independence. After several battles, mostly in Piraj?, the province was finally able to expel the Portuguese on July 2, 1823, known as Bahia Independence Day, a great popular celebration. In the state there is an ongoing discussion about the exact moment of Brazilian independence, because for almost all "baianos," it really happened in Bahia with the battles, and not on September 7, when the Emperor, Pedro I, declared independence.
(Source: Wikipedia)
W 1808 roku dwor portugalski sprowadzil sie do miasta Rio de Janeiro uciekajac przed oddzialami Napoleona, ktore zaatakowaly Portugalie.
Joao VI powrocil do Portugalii w 1821 roku i jego nastepca, Pedro, zostal regentem Krolestwa Brazylii. Po serii incydentow politycznych, Brazylia uzyskala niepodleglosc od Portugalii w dniu 7go wrzesnia 1822 roku. Dom Pedro zostal pierwszym Cesarzem Brazylii ukoronowanym w dniu 1go grudnia 1822 roku.
Bahia byla ostatnim obszarem Brazylii, ktory przylaczyl sie do niezaleznej konfederacji. Niektorzy czlonkowie elity pozostali lojalni wobec portugalczykow po tym, jak reszta kraju uzyskala niepodleglosc. Po kilku bitwach, glownie w Piraj?, prowincja w koncu wyrzucila Portugalczykow w dniu 2go lipca 1823 roku. Dzien ten jest zwany Dniem Niepodleglosci Bahia i jest swietem stanu Bahia. W stanie tym nadal toczy sie dyskusja dotyczaca dokladnego momentu uzyskania przez Brazylie niepodleglosci. Dla wszystkich "baianos" (bahijczykow) tak naprawde zdarzylo sie to w Bahia poprzez bitwy, ktore stoczyli a nie 7go wrzesnia, gdy cesarz oglosil niepodleglosc.
(Zrodlo: Wikipedia)
File information |
Filename: | 2007_07_02_Salvador_213_small_color.jpg |
Album name: | administrator / Bahia Independence Day, Salvador, Brazil - Reportage |
Keywords: | London , Photographer , Photography , Professional , Commercial , Event , Fashion , Catwalk , Portrait , Headshot , head , shoot , Model , Portfolio , Editorial , Makeover , Cheap , Quality , Studio , Bangkok , Asia , Models , Talents , Database , Pictures , Photos , Poland , Warsaw , Warszawa , Paris , Portrait , Journalism , Documentary , Reportage , Video , Media , Production , Travel , Passion , make-up , London-Photographer , Bangkok-Photographer |
File Size: | 120 KB |
Date added: | Aug 31, 2007 |
Dimensions: | 800 x 536 pixels |
Displayed: | 125 times |
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